Defined Contribution & Deferred Compensation

For employees in a 401(a) Defined Contribution or 457(b) Deferred Compensation plan, the cost savings provided by the FMPTF can be incredible. In many cases, FMPTF fees are less than half of the industry average. Participants in our program have access by phone, email and on-site to FMPTF representatives to help walk them through the intricacies of saving for retirement. The mutual fund lineup consists of mostly low-cost Vanguard mutual funds. A three-level oversight system helps participants know that the program is well managed and that fund offerings are closely monitored.

The Florida League of Cities is proud to offer state-of-the-art retirement services with a human touch. More than 3000 Florida local government employees, in 60 municipalities, take part in the services we offer. Once a municipality selects the League; we help employees begin planning for a financially secure future by enrolling them in our Retirement Solutions Program. But the League believes our job goes beyond program enrollment - we want to empower employees with the knowledge they'll need to make their own informed and educated financial decisions.

One of the most powerful ways employees can take charge of their financial futures is by attending one of a series of educational workshops, which cover a variety of topics. These workshops are a great opportunity to learn, and they are offered to you and your employees at no cost.

Educational workshops are just one of the many services provided to your employees under the League's program. The League's Defined Contribution and Deferred Compensation Programs offer:

  • Low-cost Vanguard Mutual Funds
  • Extensive Oversight
  • Quarterly Compliance Monitoring
  • 24-hour, 7 days a week account access
  • Toll-free Call Center
  • Plan Document Preparation
  • On-site Educational Seminars
  • Expansive Investment Offering
  • Complete Recordkeeping Services


Managing a pension trust can involve many complex contractual relationships to provide any or all of the components of total pension administration. These may include administrative and actuarial services, custodial services, investment management and performance Evaluation. As fiduciaries of a plan, trustees are obliged to prudently select the contractual relationships that service the plan in accordance with the stated objectives.

The FMPTF utilizes economies of scale in providing total pension administration, resulting in savings of up to 40% for the typical local government. The FMPTF has negotiated all contractual services with the best interest of its membership in mind. In addition to the cost savings, the FMPTF saves many hours of staff time and provides extensive oversight and retirement planning expertise.

While the FMPTF specializes in individually designed defined benefit plans, we can also takeover the administration of your existing plan.