Boca Raton Executive DB Plan


   2023 Actuarial Valuation
   2022 Actuarial Valuation   
   2021 Actuarial Valuation
   2019 Actuarial Valuation

Financial Statements/Audits

    2023 Financial Statements for the EERP
    2022 Financial Statements for the EERP
    2021 Financial Statements for the EERP
    2020 Financial Statements for the EERP
    2019 Financial Statements for the EERP

F.S. Section 112.664 Required Reporting

     2023 report
     2022 Report
     2021 Report

Historical Portfolio Allocation

    5-Year Return

Division of Retirement Fact Sheet

    Link to Division of Retirement

Board of Trustees

     Chairman George Brown
     Vice Chairman Robert DiChristopher
     Board Member Chrissy Gibson
     Board Member Chris Helfrich
     Board Member Sharon McGuire

Investment Policy

    Please contact the Administrator for these documents

Summary Plan Description

    Please contact the Administrator for these documents

List of Administrative Regulations and Forms

    Click here for the list
For more information or to set up an appointment, contact Jeremy Langley by email at or by phone at 859-552-5224.