Satellite Beach General DB Plan


How to Update Your Beneficiary for Participants Still Working at the City
            Submit the following (*) to or FMPTF, PO Box 1757, Tallahassee, FL 32302 
               * Enrollment/Beneficiary Change Form 
How To Receive a Return of Employee Contributions for Non-Vested Participants
           Submit the following (*) to or FMPTF, PO Box 1757, Tallahassee, FL 32302
               * Application for Return of Employee Contributions
               * Direct Deposit Agreement
                 Special Tax Notice (for participant information only)
               * Copy of social security card

How To Retire
          Submit the following (*) to : or FMPTF, PO Box 1757, Tallahassee, FL 32302 
              * Application for Retirement Benefits
              * Copies of yours and your beneficiary's birth certificate and social security card
              * Direct Deposit Agreement
              * W4-P
                 Special Tax Notice (for participant information only)

How To Enter the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP)
          Submit the following (*) to : or FMPTF, PO Box 1757, Tallahassee, FL 32302 
              * Notice to Election to Participate in DROP
              * Application for Retirement Benefits
              * Copies of yours and your beneficiary's birth certificate and social security card
How To Exit DROP
               * Request for Conversion from DROP to Normal Retirement
               * Direct Deposit Agreement 
               * W4-P
                 Special Tax Notice (for participant information only)
For more information or set up an appointment contact Jeremy Langley at 859.552.5224.



2023 report
2022 report
2021 report
2020 report
2019 report
2018 report
2017 report
2016 report
2015 report
2014 report

Financial Statements/Audits

2023 report
2022 report
2021 report
2020 report
2019 report
2018 report
2017 report
2016 report
2015 report
2014 report 

F.S. Section 112.664 Required Reporting

2023 report
2022 report
2021 report
2020 report
60T Disclosures
2019 report
2018 report
2017 report
2016 report
2015 report
2014 report

Historical Portfolio Allocation

September 30, 2023
September 30, 2022
September 30, 2021
September 30, 2020
September 30, 2019
September 30, 2018
September 30, 2017
September 30, 2016
September 30, 2015

Division of Retirement Fact Sheet

Link to Division of Retirement

Board of Trustees

Current Board Members 

Summary Plan Description

Current Summary Plan Description 

Public Records Custodian

Public Records Custodian

For more information or set up an appointment contact Jeremy Langley at 859.552.5224.